You may have noticed I look up to karen. Karen is such an inspiration she is my idol and role model and always will be. She has tought me to always be proud of who you are and not let the bad things that will or have happened in your  life get you down. I used to look back at the old memories of things that have happened in my life and frown but thanks to K i smile she has tought me all thing that happen in your life make you who you are today. I love this quote from one of Karens songs 'Sticks and Stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt me' I admire her for who she is today, an amazing, inspirational, talented, hard working, lovely, funny, kind lady who always makes me smile.
Love Sammiee xx
Karen is my inspiration. Such a beautiful and talented lady. She makes me a better person. Since talking to karen, I have become a more career-driven person. She shows me that anything is possible, and never to give up on my dreams. Her music is inspiring and I am ALWAYS blasting out Hypnotise on my surround sound system! I love you KD, never change what you do because we love you so much for it! Love paige xxxx
We read all of Karen's blog posts and after reading them we allways feel inspired! For example the "FIND YOUR THEME TUNE" blog post realy helped me we havent stopped playing it haha , <3 after a long day all i want to do is come home and read one of Karen's blogs to cheer me up; allways works! Whats your Karen David inspired theme tune? ................ ( SAMMIEE) x
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