Message To Our Mama Superhero, Karen!

Our Mama Superhero, We Love You xxx
Dear Karen,
We want to let you know what an amazing person you are. Your such an inspiring lady, you make us push ourselves to achieve the best we can in life.
You give us support and encouragement, your caring and understanding towards us, and most of all, your always there for us.
You teach us, never to give up on our dreams, and you tell us that anything is possible, if we put our minds to it. 

You make us want to be better people. I know for me, you really have changed my life completely. You've made me a more career-driven person, and you give me confidence in the things i do.

We love your crazy laugh! and your beautiful smile, everything, your a true superstar! oxox

We, Your superheroes, will always support you. We will always be there on this journey with you. When you smile, we smile, when your sad, we're sad.
So NEVER be sad, because you will always have us! :)

We Love You SuperHero Mama,
Lots Of Love
Paige & Sammie
Mwahhh!! Mwahhh!!
lots of love & hugs 